
2023-10-31 11:46:59 来源:美术网 作者:美术网友投稿 阅读量:6706


2022年4月25日下午,“大路西行 — 第二届中国油画作品展(2022)”重庆站在四川美术学院美术馆开幕。本次展览是中国油画学会近年来走进重庆、走进西部高校的一次重要学术交流活动。四川美术学院美术馆立足于关注中国当代艺术创作前沿与重要学术话题,加强国内展览交流与学术合作,先后多次联动中国美术家协会及各省市文联、美术协会为重庆市民呈现过一系列业内学术品牌性展览活动。此次展览的作品主题突出,题材广泛,形式多样,风格独特,既突出了宏大的时代背景,又富有浓郁的生活气息,为广大观众献上了一场极具西部特色的艺术盛宴。




On the afternoon of April 25, 2022, "the westbound road - the second Chinese oil painting exhibition (2022)" Chongqing station opened at the Art Museum of Sichuan Academy of fine arts. This exhibition is an important academic exchange activity of China oil painting society in Chongqing and Western Universities in recent years. Based on a series of academic exhibitions held by Sichuan Academy of fine arts and Chongqing Municipal Art Association, it has strengthened the linkage of academic and creative topics with the Chinese Academy of fine arts and the Chinese Academy of fine arts for many times, and presented a series of important academic and creative activities with the Chinese Academy of fine Arts in Chongqing. The theme of the works in this exhibition is prominent, with a wide range of themes, diverse forms and unique styles. It not only highlights the grand background of the times, but also has a strong flavor of life. It presents an artistic feast with Western characteristics for the majority of the audience. Professor Zhang Jie, director of China oil painting society and vice president of Sichuan Academy of fine arts, said in his speech that he was very pleased that China oil painting society took the Art Museum of Sichuan Academy of fine arts as the closing stop of this tour. The art feast with Western characteristics brought by this exhibition provided opportunities for Sichuan American teachers and students to learn and exchange oil painting creation. At the same time, it carried forward the spirit of the Silk Road and actively promoted the stable and far-reaching construction of the "the Belt and Road", It is a powerful practice to stimulate the emotional resonance between the United States and the United States and build a community with a shared future for mankind. I wish the exhibition a complete success! He Guiyan, curator of the Art Museum of Sichuan Academy of fine arts, introduced the specific overview of the exhibition. The "journey west of the road - the second Chinese oil painting exhibition" mainly showed the Western scene and humanistic customs of China. As the only senior art college in Southwest China, Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts also participated in it, describing the customs of ethnic minorities in Southwest China. This exhibition also combines the the Belt and Road to show our cultural renaissance. This exhibition is the first exhibition under the epidemic situation. Thank you for your support before the exhibition can be opened as scheduled. Tang Qingyang, Secretary of the Party committee of Sichuan Academy of fine arts, Pang Maokun, President, Zhang Jie, vice president, pan Zhaonan, director of the creative and scientific research department, he Guiyan, curator of the art museum, Wang Chaogang, vice president of the Academy of plastic arts, Zhu Hai, deputy director of the oil painting department, and Xie Guangyue, Deputy Secretary General of Chongqing oil painting society took a group photo at the exhibition

更多排行: 头条第二届中国油画作品展


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